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Interconnected Workforce Issues: CLC July Meeting Recap

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Last week the CLC, co-hosted by the National Roofing Contractors Association and Tile Roofing Industry Alliance, gathered with a robust agenda focused on interconnected workforce issues including problematic labor agreements and innovation, to changes to fair and open competition and workforce development (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

Duane Musser (National Roofing Contractors Association), Craig Brightup (Tile Roofing Industry Alliance), and Jobs and Careers Coalition (JCC) President Tamar Jacoby, updated the CLC on the Senate HELP Committee’s effort in seeking feedback on the WIOA discussion draft, which makes various changes to the law. The draft includes a new so-called “blacklisting” provision as well as several other provisions that are intended to benefit unions. There is concern that Unions may leverage these provisions against businesses during organizing campaigns and collective bargaining negotiations.

Related resources: Rep. Smucker’s Workforce Policies H.R.6655 A Stronger Workforce for America Act was recently adopted (April 2024) by the House in a bipartisan vote, as a solution to access to employment issues within WIOA.

Jobs and Careers Coalition (JCC) provided a support letter for H.R.6655, on which CLC was a co-sponsor. They have recently shared feedback as well. [Support letter - PDF]

Cutting Competition in Contracting: The Administration’s Pricey Project Labor Agreement Mandate

ABC’s Ben Brubeck provided a recap of the recent hearing, emphasizing the costly impact of PLA’s in the construction industry. Read more on in ABC’s news release: ABC Testifies Before Congress Against Anti-Competitive, Inflationary Project Labor Agreements

Fair and Open Competition Act (FOCA)

Brubeck also shared insights on FOCA (H.R. 1209/S. 537), which was passed be U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Accountability the very next day (July 12, 2024). The bill was introduced by House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., and Sen. Todd Young, R-Ind. FOCA seeks to counteract special-interest favoritism by prohibiting federal agencies and recipients of federal assistance from mandating PLAs and implementing PLA preferences. The CLC and many of its members demonstrated early support via a coalition letter led by ABC.


Workforce Development Issues

Barbara Burchett (Innovative Advocacy, Principal) and Jack Kalavritinos (CLC, JK Strategies, Founder) updated and discussed Workforce Development issues and the CLC’s recent efforts including an update on H.R. 3734, The Essential Workers for Economic Advancement Act. The CLC is currently working on a letter of support for Congressman Smucker (PA-11) and this workforce policy.


National Immigration Forum Summary of H.R. 3734 July 11, 2023


Russ Brown (RWP Labor) shared the latest efforts to help empower and educate industry employees and managers through their “people first” approach called RWP LEAD. This leadership training program equips the industry and its employees with critical leadership training, coaching, and legal services to grow and improve teams.

Supreme Court Loper Decision and impact on Construction Industry

Wiley Law joined us to lay out the specifics on how the decision to overturn Loper v. Raimondo (2024) directly and indirectly impacts the Construction Industry. 


Mark Casso (CIRT) and Jack Kalavritinos (CLC) reviewed and discussed the written CLC principles to be finalized and shared with both presidential campaigns. 

Key principles include: 

1) Support Expanding the Workforce; 

2) Common Sense Health and Safety Initiatives

3) Support A Business Environment Conducive to Job Growth

4) Rely on the Private Sector to Provide Solutions to Infrastructure Needs

5) Reliance on the Private Sector to Deliver on Infrastructure 

6) Support Open and Fair Competitive Bidding  

Next steps include the addition of supporting details for each pillar.  CLC partners, see email for more details.


April 16 - Congressional Reception co-sponsored with the National Tile Alliance

April 29 - CLC Dinner Meeting at the CIRT Spring Conference at the Willard.

July 11 - CLC Meeting sponsored by the NRCA, TRIA

September 11 - CLC Meeting, Focus on Election 2024 and Natural Gas 

October 9 - CLC Meeting - Construction Inclusion Week

November TBD - CLC meeting 

Early December - CLC and JKS Holiday Party




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